Changes to NSW Health Orders for NSW Authorised Workers

Note: This article has been update to reflect recent changes to the Health Orders put forward by the NSW Government. Please review this new information in line with your current practices to ensure you are complying with the updated government advice. Current as at 31/08/2021. 

ER Strategies continues to encourage all employers to stay up-to-date with relevant state/territory health orders that relate to their workers. However, recent health orders in NSW requiring big changes for employers of authorised workers, has prompted ER Strategies to further explain how these orders may impact our clients and subscribers.

Note – a list of the relevant state/territory online resources is at the bottom of this article.

Authorised Workers

In NSW, additional measures have been put in place for “authorised workers“. These measures are contained in the most recent Public Health Order relating to the current Delta outbreak (Public Health (COVID-19 Additional Restrictions for Delta Outbreak) Order (No 2) 2021),  and include:

  • Authorised worker permits effective August 28th 2021 for workers exiting or entering an LGA of concern for work purposes, and
  • COVID-19 Vaccination requirements for Authorised workers leaving an ‘LGA of concern’ for work purposes, effective 6 September 2021.

List of Authorised Workers:

Authorised Worker Permits:

Authorised workers are now able to apply for an Authorised Worker Permit via Service NSW.


  • Authorised workers from LGA’s of concern who need to LEAVE their LGA for work, and workers who are required to ENTER an LGA of concern for work (even if they do not reside there) will require a permit.
  • The permits are valid for 14-days, and employees requiring a permit for further periods will need to reapply.
  • Authorised workers must carry their travel registration (their ‘permit’) and any supporting documents with them at all times, and be ready to supply them to NSW Police if requested.

Supporting documents may include a letter from the authorised worker’s employer with your:

  • employer details and your details
  • what work you do and why you need to travel
  • your hours of work – for example, 8am to 4pm, Monday to Friday
  • the dates over which the work will be carried out.

COVID-19 Vaccination Requirements for Authorised Workers

Effective 9 September 2021, if an employee who is an authorised worker (aged 16 years and older) lives in or is temporarily staying in a LGA of concern, they must not leave their local government area for work unless they have:

  • had at least 1 dose of a COVID-19 vaccine, or
  • an appointment booked to be vaccinated on or before 19 September 2021 and have evidence of the appointment, or
  • evidence of a medical exemption.

Authorised workers who are unable to have a COVID-19 vaccine can request a COVID-19 vaccination exemption for medical reasons.

Employees under the age of 16:

For many of ER Strategies’ clients, a large proportion of staff fall into age categories that are not yet eligible for a vaccine in Australia (subject to changing advice in mid-September). NSW Health has confirmed that the mandatory vaccination requirements for authorised workers DO NOT apply to employees aged under 16 years of age. Employees in this age group will be able to continue working, so long as they meet all other conditions required as an authorised worker under NSW Health Orders.

Disclaimer: Employers are required to confirm advice provided in this article with information available through NSW Health, and NSW Government resources. This advice is subject to change based on future health advice and health orders, which may come as early as tomorrow. 

Clients of ER Strategies should contact the team during business hours (AEST) on 1300 55 66 37 to discuss their specific situation. Non-clients should contact us to discuss commercial arrangements for how we can best assist your business during this time.

Links to individual state/territory COVID-19 information:


Free Download: Termination Letter Template

Need to let an employee go? Use our letter of termination template to ensure you are using the correct format. 

termination letter template