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ER Strategies offers a comprehensive suite of resources as free downloads to support you with communications with your employees.
Blog Posts & Articles
ER Strategies diligently keeps abreast the current IR issues and changes to the employment law, so that we can inform you of changes that might affect your business. Please view our recent articles and blog posts that offer valuable insights and information for your employment compliance.

Compliance Risk Assessment
The first step towards avoiding disputes, loss of trust between you and your workforce and damage of reputation as an employer is scoping out risk factors and taking proactive steps, rather than ending up with your back against the wall. We have developed an exclusive risk assessment that will take you no longer than 5 minutes to complete and will flag up potential risk areas, enabling you to make pro-active decisions.
Unsure of the risk to your business?
How likely is your business to experience employment compliance issues in the future? Take ER Strategies’ free Compliance Risk Assessment now to identify the risk your business faces.