Similar to what happened in 2022, the Northern Territory will observe Easter Sunday as a Public Holiday in 2023. While the Public Holidays Act 1981 (NT) does not contain Easter Sunday as a permanent public holiday, section 6 of the Act allows the Minister for Employment to gazette additional public holidays. As a result, Easter Sunday 9 April 2023 will now be considered a public holiday observed in the Northern Territory.
Please see the table below outlining which Public Holidays are observed in April across all states and territories:

Public holidays provide permanent employees who regularly work that day the right to a paid day off under the National Employment Standards, or possible additional entitlements such as public holiday rates of pay if they are required to work.
Employers are reminded that the employee must be paid their base rate of pay for their ordinary hours worked on those public holiday:
- When the employee is rostered to work on days of the week that fall on a public holiday; and
- Where the employee is not required to work on the day.
Employers should check the modern award or enterprise agreement, or contract of employment, that applies to their employees to determine if/what penalties may apply to permanent/casual employees who are required to work on the public holiday.
Need assistance?
Easter can be a tough period for employers in some sectors with increased foot traffic, yet more public holidays to deal with. If you are having trouble in understanding and fulfilling your employer obligations, get in touch with us!
For our ER Strategies clients, the public holiday schedule available on Online HR has been updated to reflect these changes. Please ensure you login and download an updated copy of the 2023 Public Holiday Schedule and keep a copy of this on file. Over the past couple of years, we have seen a few ad hoc changes to public holidays across Australia due to COVID-19 and updated legislation, so employers are encouraged to regularly refer to the schedule available on Online HR to ensure the most up-to-date copy is being used.
For non-clients – we would be happy to assist you too, under one of our WorkShield service packages. You can give us a call on 1300 55 66 37, or click the button below to contact us.